Construction Projects

  • Here you will find details of completed (or as completed as they are going to be) projects. All the related documentation I have for each project is here.

Work In Progress

Like all mad scientists, I’ve got more projects on the go or sitting on the “back burner” than the mind can comfortably comprehend. Some of these are waiting for inspiration, parts, funding, or just the enthusiasm to get on with them. I’ll release technical details as I go along but it goes without saying that you construct, build and ticker with any of my ideas and designs at your own risk, with the additional risk they may not actually work or get completed.

Breadboard Things

I do a lot of prototype work with breadboards and I will list designs and projects that can be built on breadboards. You will also find hints and ideas that can make using breadboards easier.


Sometimes I stumble across a tool, component or gizmo that I think is worthy a review.

Help & Tips

In this section I will list any pearls of wisdom, datasheets, advice and information. In fact, anything that I personally don’t want to forget and that I think others may find useful.

Reference Information

Here you will find useful reference information.

Documentation Archive

Here you will find documentation, manuals, instructions and other hobby related documentation that I don’t want to lose.

Software Projects

Some of my projects are more software than hardware related and details of these will be found here.

Total Articles & Blog Posts

  • Like most engineers I can’t leave something alone for too long if it’s broke and have to keep picking at it. In my previous blog post I talked about wanting to test some suspect ICs I’d bought and the fact that to accomplish this, I would need to update the firmware on my Retro IC…

  • I’ve just bought 100 x 74LS590 IC’s for a project. They came from China and looking at them, I’m not sure they are genuine. They look a bit suspect (the laser etching isn’t quite right) and the packing was terrible with the pins bent all over the place, so it makes sense to test them.…

  • I’ve been having a problem with WordPress that I assumed was down to my limited knowledge and experience. Turns out there is a bug. I use “Tags” on posts. This allows me to group like posts easily together. I then use the WordPress “Query Loop” to display a list of all related posts at the…

  • So I’m doing battle with WordPress right now as it seems incapable; or I’m incapable of persuading it, to support hierarchical posts. My PSU series of articles is an example. I have one post that is the parent or start of the series, then I have multiple child posts all linked to that parent. This…

  • So, the bulk of my old website has been transferred to my new hosting platform. There are some articles and posts that I still need to transfer but they need work as I’m not very happy with how they were originally written and some of them have had upgrades and fixes applied so this needs…

  • So it’s taken several long days and a lot of hacking around with WordPress but I’ve finally managed to persuade WordPress to work the way I like doing things, and have now moved a significant portion of the original content over. Funny how when you are copying and pasting you notice mistakes and before you…