Tag: Acorn System 1

  • Acorn System 1 Replica – Part 2

    In the first exciting part of this series we got to the point of a completed design for the CPU board. By this point I’d got a PCB and working system. I realise that I have skipped two topics that need to addressed now. The keypad/display, and an interim solution to the INS8514 I/O device.…

  • Acorn System 1 Replica – Part 1

    Replicating the CPU board The first problem was to get hold of a schematic and make sure it was correct. On-line I found hi-resolution pictures of both sides of the two PCBs so printed them out, stuck them together and traced each track on the PCBs, comparing it with the schematic and there were a…

  • Acorn System 1 User Manual & Monitor ROM

    This is a scan of the Acorn System 1 User Manual that I found a while ago in the internet. For anybody building a replica of this machine and using the official Acorn System 1 Monitor ROM, this manual is invaluable. There is also a copy of the Acorn System 1 Monitor ROM that I…

  • Acorn System 1 Speed Test

    Lots going on with this project right now, but I thought I’d do just a very quick update.Another batch of PCBs arrived a couple of days ago and I’m slowly working my way through assembling them. The one thing I’m pleased with is that by replacing the relatively slow (in terms of access speed) EPROM…