Category: Blog

  • A significant part has now been transferred

    So it’s taken several long days and a lot of hacking around with WordPress but I’ve finally managed to persuade WordPress to work the way I like doing things, and have now moved a significant portion of the original content over. Funny how when you are copying and pasting you notice mistakes and before you…

  • It’s getting there

    I’m now half way though the second day of setting this new website up and I think I’m getting there. I know how the site should look, and I think I know how to bend WordPress to do what I want. I’ve got some issues with the colours; I still don’t know why I’ve got…

  • Work begins to re-build

    So, there’s a lot going on with this site right now. For financial reasons I’ve had to abandon my Weebly hosting as they were increasing their prices and wanted to charge me a extra monthly fee if I uploaded video clips. I couldn’t justify the increase so decided to jump ship and and move in…

  • Same old excuses

    What can I say… I’m a busy chap. I’ve been so busy with work and a large personal project that I’ve not really had much time for “fun” things, that said, it’s funny how one thing leads to another. I’ve been working on an all consuming huge project and I needed to take a break.…