Acorn System 1 Replica – Construction Plans

Here you will find all the construction details for each of the boards in this project which I will actively maintain to include the latest revision of boards and documentation.

I’m not going to hand-hold you though the construction of these boards. They have PCB foils and most have schematics. It’s pretty much up to you to source the correct components and do the assembly, configuration etc. If there is anything that you are end up stuck on drop me a line and I’ll try to help, but the assembly of a project like this is a complicated affair so you need to know what you’re doing.

Main 6502 CPU Board

Revision: 1.3

Last Update: 2022-04-04


The file contains PCB foil and schematic (in DipTrace format), bill of materials Excel sheet and a copy of the original unmodified Acorn System 1 Monitor ROM. Refer to the schematic for CPU configuration information.

System Keypad & Display

Revision: 1.2

Last Update: 2022-04-04


The file contains PCB foil and schematic (in DipTrace format).

See here for more details on the keypad.

Buffered LED display for keypad

Revision: 1.1

Last Update: 2022-10-22


The file contains PCB foil and schematic (in DipTrace format).

See here for more details on the keypad.

Segment Address Decoder (SAD)

Revision: 1.0.1

Last Update: 2023-01-10


The file contains PCB foil and schematic (in DipTrace format).

See here for more details and the SAD expansion board.

3-Slot Backplane & PSU

Revision: 1.2

Last Update: 2019-12-28


The PCB foil contains the component values and assembly is straight forward.

The file contains PCB foil and schematic (in DipTrace format).

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