I’m currently working on a +5v plug-in module for my new PSU (see previous blog post).I had several requirements for this module including the ability to withstand a dead-short circuit and the final output voltage to be trimable to +/- 0.5v. Because of this I decided not to use the existing +5v rail that’s already…
PSU Control & Monitoring
Yesterday evening I completed the first of the plug in modules that simply allows me switch the thing on and off, monitor the output voltages and fault conditions. This is as basic a module as you can have, consisting of only LEDs and resistors. Later, I will create a better monitoring card that can actually monitor…
New universal modular PSU
The long bank holiday weekend arrived and I decided I would complete a battery powered project that’s been sitting around for a while; I have a lot of half completed projects sitting around the workshop.I needed to calibrate the software that monitors the internal rechargeable batteries and realised I didn’t have any type of suitable data…
Changing standards
When I started PIC programming 15+ years ago hobbyists used to build their own PIC programmers and as such, came out with their own ICSP (In-Circuit-Software-Programming) interface connection pin-outs which they would adopt for their own designs. I don’t remember giving my own pin-out much thought and it was probably based on the easiest way…