Category: Blog

  • 3D printing 19″ card rack parts

    I like 19″ card racks and have made use of them in several projects including a custom computer and an extendable bench power supply unit. The only real problem with them is cost.The basic 19″ frame is reasonable enough, but the card front panels and some of the other bits are really expensive. So, several…

  • Buck voltage regulators

    Ebay is awash with these type of small buck regulators and I thought it would be a good idea to put one though its paces, and I’ve written a review about my findings. You can rind it in the Review section of this site.

  • Temperature monitor & alarm

    This was one of those projects that should have taken an afternoon and ended up as a reasonably large build, however it’s now complete and working rather nicely. It’s also a perfect of example how I sometimes create a piece of test equipment for use with another project I’m working on. In this case I…

  • And the distractions continue

    So, over the last few evenings I’ve managed to finish the first useful board for my new extendable PSU; a 5v board that can supply around 3 amps. It has a trim control that allows the output to be adjusted from 5v to 6v, and two op-amps wired as voltage comparators that illuminate a couple of…