• KIM-1s Progress

    So the Christmas break is over and it’s back to the grind. I did however manage to get most of my KIM-1 activities completed. I’ve now got seven KIM-1 machines in various states of completeness and am just waiting on parts to arrive from the four corners of the globe. The original machine is fully…

  • KIM1 SBC

    I know, I know, I’ve not posted anything for ages, and for my New Years resolution I’m really going to try harder. I’m just so darn busy with work… and more work. I’ve undertaken a project that is really sucking all my time right now, but it could be my escape strategy to help get…

  • Stupid things I’ve done this week

    To remind myself that even I can do stupid things 🙂 here’s a list of some of my more stupid things I’ve done this week. I spent a day and a half wondering why an input to a PIC MCU wouldn’t work. It would sometimes change state, but never when I wanted it too. It…

  • Storing components

    I don’t know if this is related to the terrible weather we are having here but I’ve received several questions regarding how I store my electronic components from people who have decided to rearrange and sort their electronic components. Traditionally parts are stored in small storage drawers with a label on the front, so they…

  • The meaning of part numbers

    The other day, a friend had asked me about the difference between a BC108 and BC108C, and this got me wondering about part numbers. The 2N3055, 1N4001, BC108 etc… what do these part numbers actually mean. Well it turns out that these codes aren’t exactly random and do mean something… sort of… JOINT ELECTRON DEVICE…

  • Bi-Colour, Tri-Colour and RGB LEDs

    I was having an argument with ChatGPT today, initially about Bi-Colour LEDs, then it spilled over to Tri-Colour LEDs. Let me explain. A Bi-Colour LED has two different colour LEDs in the one package. In theory any two colours could be used but Red & Green or Red & Yellow are pretty common. Now according…